This list contains our patch notes changes which might be different from base Ertheia version. Some of these patches were applied on old server and will be reused on remastered version. Also patch notes are still being updated while we are working on server.
Latest update of patch notes:
24.01.2024 (v.2.0.9)
Sigel Knights (all classes):

Shield Impact:
It will still deal damage, even if it resist skill effect

Shield Wave:
It will still deal damage, even if it resist skill effect

Rage Aura:
Range effect has been increased from 300 to 500

Challenge Aura:
Range effect has been increased from 300 to 500

Iron Aura:
Range effect has been increased from 300 to 500

Aura Resistance:
Range effect has been increased from 300 to 500

Recovery Aura:
Range effect has been increased from 300 to 500

Spirit Aura:
Range effect has been increased from 300 to 500
Sayha Seer:

Compelling Wind:
Cooldown is fixed to 7.5 seconds and reduced chance of applying the debuff

Deceptive Blink:
Cooldown is fixed to 15 seconds

Wind Blend:
Cooldown is fixed to 20 seconds
Tyrr Warriors (all classes):

Power Bomber:
It will still deal damage, even if it resist skill effect

It will still deal damage, even if it resist skill effect

Sonic Star:
It will still deal damage, even if it resist skill effect
Tyrr Dreadnought:

Thunder Spear:
It will still deal damage, even if it resist skill effect

Thunder Storm:
It will still deal damage, even if it resist skill effect
Tyrr Maestro:

Summon Siege Golem:
Added, automatically learned on 85/90/95/99

Summon Swoop Cannon:
Added, automatically learned on 85/90/95/99

Summon Wild Hog Cannon:
Cost changed from 100 R-Crystals to 300 R-Crystals

Power Hammer Crush:
It will still deal damage, even if it resist skill effect
Tyrr Doombringer:

Rush Impact:
It will still deal damage, even if it resist skill effect
Yul Archers (all classes):

Bow Strike:
It will still deal damage, even if it resist skill effect

Impact Shot:
It will still deal damage, even if it resist skill effect

Recoil Shot:
It will still deal damage, even if it resist skill effect
Aeore Shillien Saint:

Dark Vampirism:
- Changed mana cost to 116/121/125
- Changed hit time to 3.0/3.0/3.0
- Changed reuse to 8.0/6.0/4.0
- Changed skill mechanic to change power and HP drain based on PvP or PvE
- Skill power for PvP is now 138/140/142 and HP drain 25 on all levels
- Skill power for PvE is now 198/200/203 and HP drain 50 on all levels
Wynn Arcana Lord / Elemental Master / Spectral Master:

Mark of Weakness:
Can not be casted on unflagged target

Mark of Void:
Can not be casted on unflagged target

Mark of Plague:
Can not be casted on unflagged target

Mark of Trick:
Can not be casted on unflagged target
Antharas' Lair
- Adena drop has been boosted by 10%
Harnak Underground Ruins
- Adena drop has been boosted by 20%
- Items drop has been boosted by 15%
Altar of Evil
- Adena drop has been boosted by 25%
- Item drop has been boosted by 25%
Bloody Swampland
- Adena drop has been boosted by 35%
- Item drop has been boosted by 25%
Fairy Settlement
- Adena drop has been boosted by 30%
- Item drop has been boosted by 17%
Prison of Darkness
- Adena drop has been boosted by 27%
- Item drop has been boosted by 30%
Isle of Souls
- Adena drop has been boosted by 43%
- Item drop has been boosted by 25%
Nornil's Cave
- Adena drop has been boosted by 50%
Guillotine Foirtress
- Adena drop has been boosted by 35%
Seal of Shilen
- Adena drop has been boosted 160%
Orbis Temple
- Adena drop has been boosted by 10%
Blazing Swamp
- Adena drop has been boosted by 145%
- Adena drop has been boosted by 260%
Pagan Temple
- Adena drop has been boosted by 12%
Land of Chaos
- Adena drop has been boosted by 16%
Garden of Genesis
- Monsters XP/SP has been boosted
- Drops of Twilight armor recipes and key materials has been added
- Spoils of Twilight armor recipes and key materials has been added
Orbis Temple
- Drops of R95 armors/weapons recipes and key materials has been added
- Spoils of R95 armors/weapons armor recipes and key materials has been added
- Full drops of R95 armors/weapons has been added or adjusted
Gainak Village
- Drops of PvP stones for R99 armor has been moved from npc AI to droplist
- Drops of R99 (Eternal) armor recipes and key materials has been added
- Spoils of R99 (Eternal) armor recipes and key materials has been added
- Full drops of R99 (Eternal) armor has been added
- Drop/Spoil of craft materials has been added to several monsters

Infinity Weapons:
Stats are adjusted to match R95/R99 weapons with 300 Holy Attribute
Ceremony of Chaos
Heroic Miracle, Heroic Berseker, Heroic Valor, Heroic Grandeur, Heroic Dead can no longer be used in Ceremony of Chaos
Raid Bosses
Tebot, Tegaffe, Theor and Thesakar
- Bosses will not stuck on the spawn, when player will run with them away from range of zone. Also they will react correctly to their own clan range to assist each other
- Drop chance of category for R99 armor crafting packs has been reduced
Dragon Valley bosses: Spawn chances for summoning Dragon Valley bosses via item has been increased
Gludio bosses: Drops of S80 armors and weapons has been added to droplists
Respawns of bosses which were not saving into database and respawned after server restart has been fixed:
- Gigantic Golem
- Krogel
- Nerva Chief Turakan
- Tebot
- Tegaffe
- Theor
- Thesakar

- Entrance limit has been changed to 14+ characters
- Level limit has been changed to 85-95
- Respawn has been changed to 4-6 days
- Time limit has been changed to 2 hours

- Entrance limit has been changed to 14+ characters
- Level limit has been changed to 90-99
- Respawn has been changed to 4-6 days
- Time limit has been changed to 2 hours

- Removed old drops from older versions
- Added new droplist which contains R95 items
- Stats has been adjusted as boss should be stronger
- Only clan owning Rune castle can enter into the dungeon
Stats for bosses and minions below has been reduced:
Raid Bosses 86-88
- Bloody Earth Dragon Gagia
- Transformed Dartanion
- Demon Bedukel
- Bloody Witch Rumilla
- Demon Fardune
- Queen of Darkness
- Demon Harsia
- Monster Laum
- Monster Minotaur
- Monster Sarga
- Monster Hogliff
- Monster Artarot
- Monster Centaur
Raid Bosses 92-93
- Harp's Clone
- Isadora's Avatar
- Maliss' Avatar
- Embryo Garron
- Embryo Nigel
- Embryo Dabos
- Amden Orc Turahot
- Amden Orc Turation
- Amden Orc Turamathia
- Amden Orc Turabait
- Nerva Orc Nermion
- Nerva Orc Nergatt
- Garden Patrol Captain
- Apherus
- Ekidna's Statue Tarstan
- Ekidna's Statue Abelsnif
- Ekidna's Statue Kimesis
- Ekidna's Statue Kathargon
- Ekidna's Statue Pantasaus
- Ekidna's Statue Ixignon
Raid Bosses 97-98
- Vengeful Eligos
- Vengeful Agarez
- Vengeful Lerazia
- Vengeful Oretross
- Vengeful Edaire
- Vengeful Agonia
- Garamor's Herald Gariott
- Varvacion
- Varmoni
- Varvinos
- Varmonia
- Varkaron
- Evil Magikus
- Kerfaus
- Milinaus
- Sarkaus
- Shimeus
- Evil Kinigos
- Zetahl
- Tabris
- Stelos
Raid Bosses 98-99
- Ravolas
- Stelo Soma
- Fallen Angel Tiera
- Corrupted Goblier
- Corrupted Cherkia
- Corrupted Harthemon
- Corrupted Sarboth
- Dark Messenger Afjak
- Dusk Knight Feilnor
- Chaos Wizard Amormio
- Insolence Knight Lahav
- Death Priest Borhunt
- Destruction Knight Zeruel
- Yehan Klodekus
- Yehan Klanikus
- Megaloprepis
- Antharas' Herald Komabor
- Skellrus' Herald Iskios
- Valakas' Herald Potigia
- Lindvior's Herald Numa
- Fafurion's Herald Aquarion
Grand Bosses

Queen Ant:
- Level has been changed from 40 to 96
- Stats are adjusted for match with it current level
- Droplist has been reworked
- AI has been reworked
- NPC model has been changed

- Level has been changed from 60/83 to 96
- Stats are adjusted for match with it current level
- Droplist has been reworked
- AI has been reworked
- Bottle of Zaken's Soul has been added
- Zaken can not be hit by AOE spells in invisible state

- Level has been changed from 85 to 96
- Stats are adjusted for match with it current level
- Droplist has been reworked

- Level has been changed from 85 to 96
- Stats are adjusted for match with it current level
- Droplist has been reworked

- Level has been changed from 50 to 96
- Stats are adjusted for match with it current level
- Droplist has been reworked
- Ring of Core stats has been changed
- Ring of Core's Soul Ring has been added
- Bottle of Core's Soul has been added
- Doors to control room can be opened via Control Panel, if you have Access Card in the inventory

Access Card
- Can be acquired via Gatekeeper of the Cruma Tower instance
- It is time-limited item for 60 minutes
Ring of Core
M.Def +48
MP +26
HP +65
Poison/Paralysis Ressistance +10%
Poison/Paralysis Atk. Rate +5%
+1 P.Accuracy/M.Accuracy
Ring of Core's Soul Ring
M.Def +79
MP +31
HP +189
P.Def / M.Def +7%
Poison/Paralysis Ressistance +25%
Poison/Paralysis Atk. Rate +10%
+3 P.Accuracy/M.Accuracy

- Level has been changed from 50 to 97
- Stats are adjusted for match with it current level
- AI has been reworked
- Droplist has been reworked

- Level has been changed from 75 to 97
- Stats are adjusted for match with it current level
- Droplist has been reworked
- Buffs can not be casted outside of Baium lair's on players which are inside zone

Earth Wyrm Trasken:
- Npc (Non-boss) will more randomly visit the open world zones
- New zones for non-boss npc random spawns in the open world has been added
New icons for blessed versions of boss jewels has been added:

Valakas's Soul Necklace

Antharas's Soul Earring

Zaken's Soul Earring

Queen Ant's Soul Ring

Baium's Soul Ring

Frintezza's Soul Necklace
Amount of Dragon Claw required for upgrade of dragon weapon has been slightly increased for each stage
- Members requirements for leveling of clan has been changed
- Clan reputation reward for level up of clan member or academy member has been increased
- Killing players inside of siege zone will not trigger clan war
- Clan Hall bid prices and lease has been reduced
Exalted skills which can be learned from Albert in the Town of Aden has been added:

Exalted Hoards -
Increases weight limit and inventory slots

Exalted Limits -
Increases buff slots limit

Exalted Merchant -
Increases Private Store slots limit and Private Warehouse slots

Exalted Blessing -
Increase XP/SP.

Belief of the Exalted -
Summons a party member to your exact location

Exalted Nobless -
Maintains all party members buff/de-buff condition even following death and resurrection
Exalted currency has been added:

Exalted Coins -
Can be acquired from Raid Bosses, Grand Bosses, Events, Giveaways or L2Store
Exalted Tiara and Cloak has been added:

Exalted Tiara -
Attribute attack +50

Exalted Cloak -
STR +1, DEX +1, CON +1, INT +1, WIT +1, MEN +1, LUC +1, CHA +1.
Exalted Tiara and Exalted Cloak can be acquired upon completation of quest Path to Becoming a Exalted - Part 2
Exalted Belts has been added:

Exalted Belt (Rank 1) -
HP/CP/MP +250, weight limit +5000, damage +2%, damage received -2%, damage reflect 1%, inventory slots +5

Exalted Belt (Rank 2) -
HP/CP/MP +500, weight limit +15000, damage +4%, damage received -4%, damage reflect 2%, inventory slots +15, attribute resistance +5

Exalted Belt (Rank 3) -
HP/CP/MP +850, weight limit +20000, damage +7%, damage received -8%, damage reflect 5%, inventory slots +30, attribute resistance +15
Exalted Belt (Rank 1) can be acquired upon completation of quest Path to Becoming a Exalted - Part 3. Any other level must be upgraded via npc Alfred in Town of Aden.

Cavern of The Pirate Captain
- Instance has been changed to 96+ location
- Instance reset has been changed to only Wednesday at 6:30 AM
- Old versions of Zaken instances has been removed

Ice Queen Castle
- Instance has been changed to 96+ location
- Instance reset has been changed to only Wednesday at 6:30 AM
- Old versions of Freya instances has been removed

Last Imperial Tomb
- Instance has been changed to 96+ location
- Instance reset has been changed to only Wednesday at 6:30 AM
- Old versions of Frintezza instances has been removed

Gatekeeper of the Cruma Tower
- Gatekeeper of the Cruma Tower instance has been added
- Entry level limit is set to 90+
- Instance is without any penalty limit
- Instance is available only when Core is alive

Teredor Warzone
- Immortal (R) armor drops has been added

Kartia's Labyrinth - Solo
- Instance XP from bosses has been boosted

Kartia's Labyrinth - Party
- Instance XP from bosses has been boosted
- Immortal (R) armor drops has been added for Kartia's Labyrinth - Party 85
- Crafting Twilight Armor Packs (R+) drops has been added for Kartia's Labyrinth - Party 90
- Crafting Seraph Armor Packs (R95) drops has been added for Kartia's Labyrinth - Party 95

Crystal Caverns
- Instance penalty cooldown for daily reset has been added

Prison of Darkness
- Instance penalty cooldown bug has been fixed and changed to daily reset

Seed of Annihilation - Nursery
- Instance XP reward for colleting points has been boosted

Istina's Cavern
- Box Containing Magic Power has been changed. It will randomly choose items: 10 Crystal (R-Grade), 1 Gemstone (R-Grade) or 1x Box (random attribute crystal)

Epic Istina's Cavern
- Magic Filled Box has been changed. It will randomly choose items: 30 Crystal (R-Grade), 3 Gemstone (R-Grade) or 2x Box (random attribute crystal)

Nightmare Kamaloka
- Drop chance of category for R99 crafting packs and R99 crafting weapon packs has been increased
Complete list of instances with entry limits can be found in the features section
Raid Bosses & Instances
Listed quests below have been added:
- Path to Becoming a Exalted - Part 1
- Path to Becoming a Exalted - Part 2
- Path to Becoming a Exalted - Part 3
Listed quests below have increased item rewards:
- We are the friends
- Gathering little power
- Strange Gardener
- Unknown Scent
- Placing my small power
- Stuffed Ancient Heroes
- Retrieving the Fragment of Chaos
Listed quests below have increased base XP rewards before applying server quest XP rate:
- Waiting for the Summer
- Divinity Protector
- Plain Mission
- Hot Spring Water
- Wonders of Caring
- In this Quiet Place
- Legacy of Cruma Tower
- Another Legacy of Cruma Tower
- Certification of Value
- Recertification of Value
- Awaiting the Voice of the Gods
- A Daunting Task
- In Nomine Patris
- Tomb Raiders
- Pailaka - Song of Ice and Fire
- Pailaka - Devil's Legacy
- Pailaka - Injured Dragon
- Seven Signs, Series of Doubt
- Seven Signs, Dying Message
- Seven Signs, Mammon's Contract
- Seven Signs, Secret Ritual of the Priests
- Seven Signs, Seal of the Emperor
- Seven Signs, the Sacred Book of Seal
- Seven Signs, Embryo
- Seven Signs, Girl of Doubt
- Seven Signs, Forbidden Book of the Elmore-Aden Kingdom
- Seven Signs, One Who Seeks the Power of the Seal
- Seven Signs, Solina's Tomb
- Seven Signs, To the Monastery of Silence
- Day of Destiny: Human's Fate
- Day of Destiny: Elven Fate
- Day of Destiny: Dark Elf's
- Day of Destiny: Orc's
- Day of Destiny: Dwarf's
- Day of Destiny: Kamael's
- The Varka Silenos Supporters
- Assassination of the Varka Silenos Commander
- Assassination of the Varka Silenos Chief
- The Ketra Orc Supporters
- Assassination of the Ketra Orc Commander
- Assassination of the Ketra Orc Chief
Listed quests below have changed level restrictions:
- Zaken Embroidered Soul Cloak
- Frintezza Embroidered Soul Cloak
- Freya Embroidered Soul Cloak
Listed quest items below have changed their trading reward:
- Rewards for Proof of Fidelity has been changed from Requiem recipes/keys (315/31) to Apocalypse recipes/keys (110/25)
Stage Level System - (not used on live server)
- Stage level system has been added
- Characters which reach current stage server level limit will earn less XP/SP from monsters
- System message which will show notification of reduced XP/SP has been added
- Minimal level for fishing has been changed to 76
Castle Sieges
- Castle sieges has been moved from Sunday 8pm to Saturday 8pm (server time)
Dimensional Portal
- Entrance to Vendorf's instance via Dimensional Portal has changed to allow only one player per Dimensional chest
- Dimensional will be spawned for 1 minute, then it will be despawned
Blacksmith and Merchant of Mammons
- When location of mammons spawns is changed, they will announce their current new place in the chat
Item Broker (Auction)
- Auctions has been changed to stage system - Giran (Low Tier), Rune (Mid Tier) and Aden (High Tier)
- Auction tiers will be unlocked one by one based on server stage status
- Each tier will contain specific possible equipment - Low Tier (R+), Mid Tier (R95) and High Tier (R99)
- Auctions start time has been changed to Wednesday 5pm
Client Interface
- User interface has been updated to use new modern style
- Target window has been updated and it will show now: monster levels, player class and dead status
- Character status has been updated with status icons for vote rune and premium rune
- Inventory has been updated and it will show item icons upon hover over item
- Player can fast remove item via CTRL+ALT+LSHIFT+Left Mouse Button click without confirmation for deletion
- Chat interface has been updated and items will show icons when you click on "?" mark
- Buff slot interface has been updated and it will show icons on hover over buffs and also more visible time color
- Ingame Drop Calculator is available via client interface
- Colored system messages has been added to client interface
- Extra skill bar slot (5th line) has been added to client interface
- Play Report has been implemented upon restart or exit from the game
- Party interface has been updated and it will show members levels, dead status, selected party member and status of nobless buff
- Instance zone window has been updated
- Dwarven Workshop will show price of item when setting it up
- Dwarven Workshop will allow you to fast setup price with same amount via CTRL+ALT+Left Mouse Button click, when default value has been set
- Map world info tab with will show instances names and entry location for specific bosses
- Warehouse search function has been added into the interface
- Raid info window has been added. After raid boss dies, it will show window, which contains list of players, who dealt damage to the boss
- Party Ready check has been implemented into the user and party interface
- Party Countdown has been implemented into the user interface

Community Star -
Can be acquired for Twitch streaming, events, bug reports, videos or giveaways

Adventurer's Cloak -
New cloak has been added for starting pack in the L2Store
- Autoloot system has been implemented
- NPC Rake has been added into the Town of Aden for trading your Shilen's Fragment
- Shilen's Fragment has been added to drop for every normal monster
- NPC Vivien has been added into the Town of Aden for trading your Community Star
- Level Reward has been completely reworked until 99 level
- Training Camp is now available for characters level 76+ with ticket in their inventory
- Training Camp enter levels and XP distribution has been changed
- Adventurer's buffs are up to level 99, but it will start to require adena upon reaching 95 and more. Characters with Premium Rune do not need to pay this fee
- Museum Statistics are available via NPC Arwen in the Town of Aden
- Adventurer's Guide has been added on the Keucereus Alliance Base
- Steel Door Coin multisell now sells whole sets instead one pieces at the time
- New feature has beeen added which allows you to exchange your hair accessory with pendant for just raw pendant (you will lose your hair accessory in process.) Visit NPC called "Moe" in Giran near to Olympiad statue.
- Vitality Bottle system has been implemented into the game
- Steel equipment can be returned for some percent of it price in Steel Coins
- Mentor equipment can be exchanged for different type of it
- S grade soulshots and spirit shots has been added to Grocery Store in the Town of Aden
- Guards for protecting low level characters has been added on newbie zones
- Chat cooldown reuse has been added for global shout and trade
- PvP options for armors or weapons from Rapidus and Scipius has been removed
- Potions prices from Suspicios Merchant has been increased and also require Knight's Epualuette
- La Vie En Rose's Brooches can be combined