L2Ertheia.eu - Ertheia Server

12th January


Learn everything you need to know about the server before you start playing
Basic Server Informations

General Informations

Server Chronicle: [EP1.0] Ertheia: Dimensional Strangers - Remastered
Server Rates: Up to 6x (Dynamic rate)
Antibot System: Dynamic antibot system running on client and server
Multilanguage Client: English and Russian
Maximum client session: 3 active client windows per device
Auto-loot: Available for every player. Only Raid Bosses drops their loot on the ground
Offline Shop: You can setup free offline shop only in the Town of Aden
Vote Reward: You can earn ingame rewards for voting from our website on toplists
Stream Reward: You can earn ingame rewards for streaming our server on Twitch.tv platform

Feature Informations

Adventure Guide NPC Buffs: Free buffs are only for 1-95 levels. Adena payment or Premium Rune is required for 95-99 levels
D/C/B/A/S Equipment: Available in every town from Adventurer's Guide for Steel Door Coins or in Weapon/Armory/Luxory shop
Class transfer quests Retail like, it won't take more than few minutes
R-Grade Equipment: After reaching 85 you may trade your mentee certificate for R-Grade equipment
Olympiad / Ceremony of Chaos: Monthly cycle period
Level Rewards: You will receive rewards for leveling your character
Ability System: Choose your path and give your character bonus abilities after you reach level 99
Fishing System: You can allow your character to go fishing and earn XP/SP along with other goodies
Mentoring System: Receive XP boosts and items as a mentee or help new players as a mentor
Party Macthing / Clan Entry System: Searching for party or clan is easier on our server
Museum Statistics: Ingame statistics are available in Town of Aden from NPC Arwen
Auction House: Buy or sell your items through Auction House
Beauty Shop: Make your character unique with special visual style
Training Camp: You can let your character do earn XP/SP while being offline
Exalted Skills: Get new powers via Exalted skills from Alfred in the Town of Aden
List of changes
This list contains our patch notes changes which might be different from base Ertheia version. Some of these patches were applied on old server and will be reused on remastered version. Also patch notes are still being updated while we are working on server.

Latest update of patch notes: 24.01.2024 (v.2.0.9)


Sigel Knights (all classes):
Shield Impact: It will still deal damage, even if it resist skill effect
Shield Wave: It will still deal damage, even if it resist skill effect
Rage Aura: Range effect has been increased from 300 to 500
Challenge Aura: Range effect has been increased from 300 to 500
Iron Aura: Range effect has been increased from 300 to 500
Aura Resistance: Range effect has been increased from 300 to 500
Recovery Aura: Range effect has been increased from 300 to 500
Spirit Aura: Range effect has been increased from 300 to 500
Sayha Seer:
Compelling Wind: Cooldown is fixed to 7.5 seconds and reduced chance of applying the debuff
Deceptive Blink: Cooldown is fixed to 15 seconds
Wind Blend: Cooldown is fixed to 20 seconds
Tyrr Warriors (all classes):
Power Bomber: It will still deal damage, even if it resist skill effect
Eruption: It will still deal damage, even if it resist skill effect
Sonic Star: It will still deal damage, even if it resist skill effect
Tyrr Dreadnought:
Thunder Spear: It will still deal damage, even if it resist skill effect
Thunder Storm: It will still deal damage, even if it resist skill effect
Tyrr Maestro:
Summon Siege Golem: Added, automatically learned on 85/90/95/99
Summon Swoop Cannon: Added, automatically learned on 85/90/95/99
Summon Wild Hog Cannon: Cost changed from 100 R-Crystals to 300 R-Crystals
Power Hammer Crush: It will still deal damage, even if it resist skill effect
Tyrr Doombringer:
Rush Impact: It will still deal damage, even if it resist skill effect
Yul Archers (all classes):
Bow Strike: It will still deal damage, even if it resist skill effect
Impact Shot: It will still deal damage, even if it resist skill effect
Recoil Shot: It will still deal damage, even if it resist skill effect
Aeore Shillien Saint:
Dark Vampirism:
  • Changed mana cost to 116/121/125
  • Changed hit time to 3.0/3.0/3.0
  • Changed reuse to 8.0/6.0/4.0
  • Changed skill mechanic to change power and HP drain based on PvP or PvE
  • Skill power for PvP is now 138/140/142 and HP drain 25 on all levels
  • Skill power for PvE is now 198/200/203 and HP drain 50 on all levels
Wynn Arcana Lord / Elemental Master / Spectral Master:
Mark of Weakness: Can not be casted on unflagged target
Mark of Void: Can not be casted on unflagged target
Mark of Plague: Can not be casted on unflagged target
Mark of Trick: Can not be casted on unflagged target


Antharas' Lair
  • Adena drop has been boosted by 10%
Harnak Underground Ruins
  • Adena drop has been boosted by 20%
  • Items drop has been boosted by 15%
Altar of Evil
  • Adena drop has been boosted by 25%
  • Item drop has been boosted by 25%
Bloody Swampland
  • Adena drop has been boosted by 35%
  • Item drop has been boosted by 25%
Fairy Settlement
  • Adena drop has been boosted by 30%
  • Item drop has been boosted by 17%
Prison of Darkness
  • Adena drop has been boosted by 27%
  • Item drop has been boosted by 30%
Isle of Souls
  • Adena drop has been boosted by 43%
  • Item drop has been boosted by 25%
Nornil's Cave
  • Adena drop has been boosted by 50%
Guillotine Foirtress
  • Adena drop has been boosted by 35%
Seal of Shilen
  • Adena drop has been boosted 160%
Orbis Temple
  • Adena drop has been boosted by 10%
Blazing Swamp
  • Adena drop has been boosted by 145%
  • Adena drop has been boosted by 260%
Pagan Temple
  • Adena drop has been boosted by 12%
Land of Chaos
  • Adena drop has been boosted by 16%
Garden of Genesis
  • Monsters XP/SP has been boosted
  • Drops of Twilight armor recipes and key materials has been added
  • Spoils of Twilight armor recipes and key materials has been added
Orbis Temple
  • Drops of R95 armors/weapons recipes and key materials has been added
  • Spoils of R95 armors/weapons armor recipes and key materials has been added
  • Full drops of R95 armors/weapons has been added or adjusted
Gainak Village
  • Drops of PvP stones for R99 armor has been moved from npc AI to droplist
  • Drops of R99 (Eternal) armor recipes and key materials has been added
  • Spoils of R99 (Eternal) armor recipes and key materials has been added
  • Full drops of R99 (Eternal) armor has been added
  • Drop/Spoil of craft materials has been added to several monsters


Infinity Weapons: Stats are adjusted to match R95/R99 weapons with 300 Holy Attribute

Ceremony of Chaos

Heroic Miracle, Heroic Berseker, Heroic Valor, Heroic Grandeur, Heroic Dead can no longer be used in Ceremony of Chaos

Raid Bosses

Tebot, Tegaffe, Theor and Thesakar
  • Bosses will not stuck on the spawn, when player will run with them away from range of zone. Also they will react correctly to their own clan range to assist each other
  • Drop chance of category for R99 armor crafting packs has been reduced
Dragon Valley bosses: Spawn chances for summoning Dragon Valley bosses via item has been increased
Gludio bosses: Drops of S80 armors and weapons has been added to droplists
Respawns of bosses which were not saving into database and respawned after server restart has been fixed:
  • Gigantic Golem
  • Krogel
  • Nerva Chief Turakan
  • Tebot
  • Tegaffe
  • Theor
  • Thesakar
  • Entrance limit has been changed to 14+ characters
  • Level limit has been changed to 85-95
  • Respawn has been changed to 4-6 days
  • Time limit has been changed to 2 hours

  • Entrance limit has been changed to 14+ characters
  • Level limit has been changed to 90-99
  • Respawn has been changed to 4-6 days
  • Time limit has been changed to 2 hours

  • Removed old drops from older versions
  • Added new droplist which contains R95 items
  • Stats has been adjusted as boss should be stronger
  • Only clan owning Rune castle can enter into the dungeon
Stats for bosses and minions below has been reduced:

Raid Bosses 86-88

  • Bloody Earth Dragon Gagia
  • Transformed Dartanion
  • Demon Bedukel
  • Bloody Witch Rumilla
  • Demon Fardune
  • Queen of Darkness
  • Demon Harsia
  • Monster Laum
  • Monster Minotaur
  • Monster Sarga
  • Monster Hogliff
  • Monster Artarot
  • Monster Centaur

Raid Bosses 92-93

  • Harp's Clone
  • Isadora's Avatar
  • Maliss' Avatar
  • Embryo Garron
  • Embryo Nigel
  • Embryo Dabos
  • Amden Orc Turahot
  • Amden Orc Turation
  • Amden Orc Turamathia
  • Amden Orc Turabait
  • Nerva Orc Nermion
  • Nerva Orc Nergatt
  • Garden Patrol Captain
  • Apherus
  • Ekidna's Statue Tarstan
  • Ekidna's Statue Abelsnif
  • Ekidna's Statue Kimesis
  • Ekidna's Statue Kathargon
  • Ekidna's Statue Pantasaus
  • Ekidna's Statue Ixignon

Raid Bosses 97-98

  • Vengeful Eligos
  • Vengeful Agarez
  • Vengeful Lerazia
  • Vengeful Oretross
  • Vengeful Edaire
  • Vengeful Agonia
  • Garamor's Herald Gariott
  • Varvacion
  • Varmoni
  • Varvinos
  • Varmonia
  • Varkaron
  • Evil Magikus
  • Kerfaus
  • Milinaus
  • Sarkaus
  • Shimeus
  • Evil Kinigos
  • Zetahl
  • Tabris
  • Stelos

Raid Bosses 98-99

  • Ravolas
  • Stelo Soma
  • Fallen Angel Tiera
  • Corrupted Goblier
  • Corrupted Cherkia
  • Corrupted Harthemon
  • Corrupted Sarboth
  • Dark Messenger Afjak
  • Dusk Knight Feilnor
  • Chaos Wizard Amormio
  • Insolence Knight Lahav
  • Death Priest Borhunt
  • Destruction Knight Zeruel
  • Yehan Klodekus
  • Yehan Klanikus
  • Megaloprepis
  • Antharas' Herald Komabor
  • Skellrus' Herald Iskios
  • Valakas' Herald Potigia
  • Lindvior's Herald Numa
  • Fafurion's Herald Aquarion

Grand Bosses

Queen Ant:
  • Level has been changed from 40 to 96
  • Stats are adjusted for match with it current level
  • Droplist has been reworked
  • AI has been reworked
  • NPC model has been changed

  • Level has been changed from 60/83 to 96
  • Stats are adjusted for match with it current level
  • Droplist has been reworked
  • AI has been reworked
  • Bottle of Zaken's Soul has been added
  • Zaken can not be hit by AOE spells in invisible state
  • Level has been changed from 85 to 96
  • Stats are adjusted for match with it current level
  • Droplist has been reworked
  • Level has been changed from 85 to 96
  • Stats are adjusted for match with it current level
  • Droplist has been reworked

  • Level has been changed from 50 to 96
  • Stats are adjusted for match with it current level
  • Droplist has been reworked
  • Ring of Core stats has been changed
  • Ring of Core's Soul Ring has been added
  • Bottle of Core's Soul has been added
  • Doors to control room can be opened via Control Panel, if you have Access Card in the inventory

Access Card
  • Can be acquired via Gatekeeper of the Cruma Tower instance
  • It is time-limited item for 60 minutes

Ring of Core
M.Def +48
MP +26
HP +65
Poison/Paralysis Ressistance +10%
Poison/Paralysis Atk. Rate +5%
+1 P.Accuracy/M.Accuracy
Ring of Core's Soul Ring
M.Def +79
MP +31
HP +189
P.Def / M.Def +7%
Poison/Paralysis Ressistance +25%
Poison/Paralysis Atk. Rate +10%
+3 P.Accuracy/M.Accuracy

  • Level has been changed from 50 to 97
  • Stats are adjusted for match with it current level
  • AI has been reworked
  • Droplist has been reworked

  • Level has been changed from 75 to 97
  • Stats are adjusted for match with it current level
  • Droplist has been reworked
  • Buffs can not be casted outside of Baium lair's on players which are inside zone

Earth Wyrm Trasken:
  • Npc (Non-boss) will more randomly visit the open world zones
  • New zones for non-boss npc random spawns in the open world has been added

  • New icons for blessed versions of boss jewels has been added:
  • Valakas's Soul Necklace
    Antharas's Soul Earring
    Zaken's Soul Earring
    Queen Ant's Soul Ring
    Baium's Soul Ring
    Frintezza's Soul Necklace
  • Amount of Dragon Claw required for upgrade of dragon weapon has been slightly increased for each stage

  • Clan

    • Members requirements for leveling of clan has been changed
    • Clan reputation reward for level up of clan member or academy member has been increased
    • Killing players inside of siege zone will not trigger clan war
    • Clan Hall bid prices and lease has been reduced


    Exalted skills which can be learned from Albert in the Town of Aden has been added:
    Exalted Hoards - Increases weight limit and inventory slots
    Exalted Limits - Increases buff slots limit
    Exalted Merchant - Increases Private Store slots limit and Private Warehouse slots
    Exalted Blessing - Increase XP/SP.
    Belief of the Exalted - Summons a party member to your exact location
    Exalted Nobless - Maintains all party members buff/de-buff condition even following death and resurrection

    Exalted currency has been added:
    Exalted Coins - Can be acquired from Raid Bosses, Grand Bosses, Events, Giveaways or L2Store

    Exalted Tiara and Cloak has been added:
    Exalted Tiara - Attribute attack +50
    Exalted Cloak - STR +1, DEX +1, CON +1, INT +1, WIT +1, MEN +1, LUC +1, CHA +1.
    Exalted Tiara and Exalted Cloak can be acquired upon completation of quest Path to Becoming a Exalted - Part 2

    Exalted Belts has been added:
    Exalted Belt (Rank 1) - HP/CP/MP +250, weight limit +5000, damage +2%, damage received -2%, damage reflect 1%, inventory slots +5
    Exalted Belt (Rank 2) - HP/CP/MP +500, weight limit +15000, damage +4%, damage received -4%, damage reflect 2%, inventory slots +15, attribute resistance +5
    Exalted Belt (Rank 3) - HP/CP/MP +850, weight limit +20000, damage +7%, damage received -8%, damage reflect 5%, inventory slots +30, attribute resistance +15
    Exalted Belt (Rank 1) can be acquired upon completation of quest Path to Becoming a Exalted - Part 3. Any other level must be upgraded via npc Alfred in Town of Aden.


    Cavern of The Pirate Captain
    • Instance has been changed to 96+ location
    • Instance reset has been changed to only Wednesday at 6:30 AM
    • Old versions of Zaken instances has been removed

    Ice Queen Castle
    • Instance has been changed to 96+ location
    • Instance reset has been changed to only Wednesday at 6:30 AM
    • Old versions of Freya instances has been removed

    Last Imperial Tomb
    • Instance has been changed to 96+ location
    • Instance reset has been changed to only Wednesday at 6:30 AM
    • Old versions of Frintezza instances has been removed

    Gatekeeper of the Cruma Tower
    • Gatekeeper of the Cruma Tower instance has been added
    • Entry level limit is set to 90+
    • Instance is without any penalty limit
    • Instance is available only when Core is alive

    Teredor Warzone
    • Immortal (R) armor drops has been added

    Kartia's Labyrinth - Solo
    • Instance XP from bosses has been boosted

    Kartia's Labyrinth - Party
    • Instance XP from bosses has been boosted
    • Immortal (R) armor drops has been added for Kartia's Labyrinth - Party 85
    • Crafting Twilight Armor Packs (R+) drops has been added for Kartia's Labyrinth - Party 90
    • Crafting Seraph Armor Packs (R95) drops has been added for Kartia's Labyrinth - Party 95

    Crystal Caverns
    • Instance penalty cooldown for daily reset has been added

    Prison of Darkness
    • Instance penalty cooldown bug has been fixed and changed to daily reset

    Seed of Annihilation - Nursery
    • Instance XP reward for colleting points has been boosted

    Istina's Cavern
    • Box Containing Magic Power has been changed. It will randomly choose items: 10 Crystal (R-Grade), 1 Gemstone (R-Grade) or 1x Box (random attribute crystal)

    Epic Istina's Cavern
    • Magic Filled Box has been changed. It will randomly choose items: 30 Crystal (R-Grade), 3 Gemstone (R-Grade) or 2x Box (random attribute crystal)

    Nightmare Kamaloka
    • Drop chance of category for R99 crafting packs and R99 crafting weapon packs has been increased

    Complete list of instances with entry limits can be found in the features section Raid Bosses & Instances


    Listed quests below have been added:
    • Path to Becoming a Exalted - Part 1
    • Path to Becoming a Exalted - Part 2
    • Path to Becoming a Exalted - Part 3

    Listed quests below have increased item rewards:
    • We are the friends
    • Gathering little power
    • Strange Gardener
    • Unknown Scent
    • Placing my small power
    • Stuffed Ancient Heroes
    • Retrieving the Fragment of Chaos

    Listed quests below have increased base XP rewards before applying server quest XP rate:
    • Waiting for the Summer
    • Divinity Protector
    • Plain Mission
    • Hot Spring Water
    • Wonders of Caring
    • In this Quiet Place
    • Legacy of Cruma Tower
    • Another Legacy of Cruma Tower
    • Certification of Value
    • Recertification of Value
    • Awaiting the Voice of the Gods
    • A Daunting Task
    • In Nomine Patris
    • Tomb Raiders
    • Pailaka - Song of Ice and Fire
    • Pailaka - Devil's Legacy
    • Pailaka - Injured Dragon
    • Seven Signs, Series of Doubt
    • Seven Signs, Dying Message
    • Seven Signs, Mammon's Contract
    • Seven Signs, Secret Ritual of the Priests
    • Seven Signs, Seal of the Emperor
    • Seven Signs, the Sacred Book of Seal
    • Seven Signs, Embryo
    • Seven Signs, Girl of Doubt
    • Seven Signs, Forbidden Book of the Elmore-Aden Kingdom
    • Seven Signs, One Who Seeks the Power of the Seal
    • Seven Signs, Solina's Tomb
    • Seven Signs, To the Monastery of Silence
    • Day of Destiny: Human's Fate
    • Day of Destiny: Elven Fate
    • Day of Destiny: Dark Elf's
    • Day of Destiny: Orc's
    • Day of Destiny: Dwarf's
    • Day of Destiny: Kamael's
    • The Varka Silenos Supporters
    • Assassination of the Varka Silenos Commander
    • Assassination of the Varka Silenos Chief
    • The Ketra Orc Supporters
    • Assassination of the Ketra Orc Commander
    • Assassination of the Ketra Orc Chief

    Listed quests below have changed level restrictions:
    • Zaken Embroidered Soul Cloak
    • Frintezza Embroidered Soul Cloak
    • Freya Embroidered Soul Cloak

    Listed quest items below have changed their trading reward:
    • Rewards for Proof of Fidelity has been changed from Requiem recipes/keys (315/31) to Apocalypse recipes/keys (110/25)

    Stage Level System - (not used on live server)

    • Stage level system has been added
    • Characters which reach current stage server level limit will earn less XP/SP from monsters
    • System message which will show notification of reduced XP/SP has been added


    • Minimal level for fishing has been changed to 76

    Castle Sieges

    • Castle sieges has been moved from Sunday 8pm to Saturday 8pm (server time)

    Dimensional Portal

    • Entrance to Vendorf's instance via Dimensional Portal has changed to allow only one player per Dimensional chest
    • Dimensional will be spawned for 1 minute, then it will be despawned

    Blacksmith and Merchant of Mammons

    • When location of mammons spawns is changed, they will announce their current new place in the chat

    Item Broker (Auction)

    • Auctions has been changed to stage system - Giran (Low Tier), Rune (Mid Tier) and Aden (High Tier)
    • Auction tiers will be unlocked one by one based on server stage status
    • Each tier will contain specific possible equipment - Low Tier (R+), Mid Tier (R95) and High Tier (R99)
    • Auctions start time has been changed to Wednesday 5pm

    Client Interface

    • User interface has been updated to use new modern style
    • Target window has been updated and it will show now: monster levels, player class and dead status
    • Character status has been updated with status icons for vote rune and premium rune
    • Inventory has been updated and it will show item icons upon hover over item
    • Player can fast remove item via CTRL+ALT+LSHIFT+Left Mouse Button click without confirmation for deletion
    • Chat interface has been updated and items will show icons when you click on "?" mark
    • Buff slot interface has been updated and it will show icons on hover over buffs and also more visible time color
    • Ingame Drop Calculator is available via client interface
    • Colored system messages has been added to client interface
    • Extra skill bar slot (5th line) has been added to client interface
    • Play Report has been implemented upon restart or exit from the game
    • Party interface has been updated and it will show members levels, dead status, selected party member and status of nobless buff
    • Instance zone window has been updated
    • Dwarven Workshop will show price of item when setting it up
    • Dwarven Workshop will allow you to fast setup price with same amount via CTRL+ALT+Left Mouse Button click, when default value has been set
    • Map world info tab with will show instances names and entry location for specific bosses
    • Warehouse search function has been added into the interface
    • Raid info window has been added. After raid boss dies, it will show window, which contains list of players, who dealt damage to the boss
    • Party Ready check has been implemented into the user and party interface
    • Party Countdown has been implemented into the user interface

    • Others

      Community Star - Can be acquired for Twitch streaming, events, bug reports, videos or giveaways
      Adventurer's Cloak - New cloak has been added for starting pack in the L2Store
      • Autoloot system has been implemented
      • NPC Rake has been added into the Town of Aden for trading your Shilen's Fragment
      • Shilen's Fragment has been added to drop for every normal monster
      • NPC Vivien has been added into the Town of Aden for trading your Community Star
      • Level Reward has been completely reworked until 99 level
      • Training Camp is now available for characters level 76+ with ticket in their inventory
      • Training Camp enter levels and XP distribution has been changed
      • Adventurer's buffs are up to level 99, but it will start to require adena upon reaching 95 and more. Characters with Premium Rune do not need to pay this fee
      • Museum Statistics are available via NPC Arwen in the Town of Aden
      • Adventurer's Guide has been added on the Keucereus Alliance Base
      • Steel Door Coin multisell now sells whole sets instead one pieces at the time
      • New feature has beeen added which allows you to exchange your hair accessory with pendant for just raw pendant (you will lose your hair accessory in process.) Visit NPC called "Moe" in Giran near to Olympiad statue.
      • Vitality Bottle system has been implemented into the game
      • Steel equipment can be returned for some percent of it price in Steel Coins
      • Mentor equipment can be exchanged for different type of it
      • S grade soulshots and spirit shots has been added to Grocery Store in the Town of Aden
      • Guards for protecting low level characters has been added on newbie zones
      • Chat cooldown reuse has been added for global shout and trade
      • PvP options for armors or weapons from Rapidus and Scipius has been removed
      • Potions prices from Suspicios Merchant has been increased and also require Knight's Epualuette
      • La Vie En Rose's Brooches can be combined
    Server Rates
    Dynamic Rate System of Experience Rates

    Dynamic Rate System

    As we understand that real content of Ertheia version starts after 85+ level, we focused to make leveling of new character to be easier. Also so we considered to keep story based quests for newbie zones to be working and help newbie players on their journey with something new! When you reach 85 level, then our dynamic rate will start slowly reduce XP gain, so you will have challenge to reach endgame content.

    Zone Leveling XP

    Levels 1-40: 3x
    Levels 40-60: 4x -> 5x
    Levels 60-80: 5x -> 6x
    Levels 80-84: 6x -> 5x
    Levels 85-99: 5x -> 3x
    Raid Bosses

    Raid Bosses XP

    Levels 1-40: 1x
    Levels 40-84: 1.5x
    Levels 85-99: 2x

    Boosted Quests XP

    Daily: 40-84 Lv.
    Awakening Path: 40-84 Lv.
    Pailaka: 49/61/73 Lv.
    Seven Signs: 79-81 Lv.

    Basic Rates:

    XP/SP: x3 -> x6 (dynamic rate)
    Adena: x3
    Drop: x1
    Spoil: x3
    RB XP/SP: x1 -> x2 (dynamic rate)
    RB Drop: x1
    Quest XP/SP: x3
    Quest Drop: x1
    Quest Reward: x1

    Enchant Rates:

    • Safe Enchant: 3
    • Safe Enchant Full-Armor: +4
    • Enchant Chance: Retail like
    Be aware, that server does use specific enchanting chance based on type of equipment and it get lower upon reaching higher enchant.
    Races, Classes nad AP System
    Classes and Abilities

    Races and Classes

    Seven different races exist in the world of Lineage II, each with its own physical characteristics, classes and powers.
    Classes and Abilities


    Humans in Lineage II are similar to Humans in the modern world. Humans currently have the greatest dominion in the world and the largest population.
    Classes and Abilities Classes and Abilities

    Classes and Abilities


    The race of Elves worships the goddess of water and loves nature and aquatic life. The Elves have slim and nimble bodies, long ears, and beautiful features. During the era of Giants, among all creatures they held the most power. However, when the Giants were destroyed, the power and influence of the Elves were also diminished. Now they only inhabit part of the forest in Aden.
    Classes and Abilities Classes and Abilities

    Classes and Abilities

    Dark Elf

    Dark Elves were once part of the Elven tribes, but were banished after they learned black magic in order to obtain the power to fight Humans. They lost the battle, but continued to study the dark arts. Dark Elves have similar features to their Elven brethren, but are taller, have blue-gray skin, and silver hair. They follow Shilen, the goddess of Death.
    Classes and Abilities Classes and Abilities

    Classes and Abilities


    The Orc race is the race of fire. Among all races, Orcs possess the greatest physical abilities. After the destruction of the giants, they were able to expel the Elves and attained the most powerful position on Aden. However, they were defeated by the Elf-Human alliance some time later, and are currently living in an arctic area of Elmore.
    Classes and Abilities Classes and Abilities

    Classes and Abilities


    Dwarves are of the race of earth they were made from and worship the God of Earth Maphr. They have strong physical strength, a curious nature, and a fondness for creating new items. After the destruction of the giants, the Dwarven race always tried to side with the most powerful race in the land. However, as a result they became an isolated race - disliked by all other races for their profiteering nature. Their society structure can be compared to a large corporation and they are still renowned for their business savvy and capacity for organization. Dwarves are largely divided into Scavengers who find and retrieve raw materials, and Artisans who manufacture products out of raw materials.
    Classes and Abilities

    Classes and Abilities


    Kamael were born in the Era of Myths. These mysterious creatures have preserved their own unique culture living within the confines of the Isle of Souls, a haven located to the west of the Dark Elf Village. They appeared on the continent under the guidance of the Gods. Unlike the other five races that were created by gods, it is speculated that they were created for the purpose of battling against some unknown creatures. They are born into their destined religion that serves an absolute ruler called the “Mother Nornil”. Under the Mother Nornil, they devote their faith in the Goddess of Past, who rules history, the Goddess of Present, who records everything happening at this moment, and the Goddess of Future, who forecasts what’s to come.
    Classes and Abilities

    Classes and Abilities


    The Ertheia were created when Sahya, youngest son of Einhasad, imbued their forms with the essence of the wind. The Ertheia were free souls, full of curiosity and always on the move, just like the wind. They were so beautiful that Einhasad wanted to keep them in Magmeld, but Sayha's pleas freed them. The giants also wanted to possess their beauty and locked them in cages. But those who were so imprisoned never lasted long. In the end, the Giants released them. The Ertheia were allowed to roam freely around the world, often returning to tell stories of what they had seen.
    Classes and Abilities Classes and Abilities

    Ability System

    Abilities are additional skills helping you to make your character stronger. Abilities are available in your Character's status window ( Alt + T ) when you press the AP button.

    Classes and Abilities

    How to get Abilities

    • Character must be level 99+
    • Character must be Noblesse
    • Ability points can be converted from SP
    • Character cannot exceed a total of 16 ability points

    Basic info about Abilities

    • Abilities main and dual classes are learned separately
    • Abilities work as passive skills, however you can't see them in your skills
    • Ability points can be reset for 10 million Adena

    Special wings

    There are three types of wings - bronze (8+ points), silver (12+ points) or gold (15+ points), which you can receive for specific amount of learned ability points on character.

    Classes and Abilities
    Spawn & Entry Informations
    Raid Bosses

    Raid Bosses

    Be aware, that raid bosses spawns are based on server timezone, so it might be different from your local time.

    Normal Raid Bosses: 24 Hours + 0-12 Hours Random
    Special Zone Raid Bosses: 21:00 (every day - Gludio and Elven zones)

    Grand Bosses

    Level: 96
    Instance: Cavern of The Pirate Cpt.
    Reset: Wednesday 6:30 AM
    Entrance Limits: 7-21 players, Lv. 93-99
    Level: 96
    Instance: Ice Queen Castle
    Reset: Wednesday 6:30 AM
    Entrance Limits: 7-21 players, Lv. 93-99
    Level: 96
    Instance: Last Imperial Tomb
    Reset: Wednesday 6:30 AM
    Entrance Limits: 7-21 players, Lv. 93-99
    Queen Ant
    Level: 95
    Respawn: 6-8 days
    Level: 95
    Respawn: 6-8 days
    Level: 97
    Respawn: 6-8 days
    Level: 97
    Respawn: 6-8 days
    Entrance Limits: 14+ players, Lv. 90-99
    Level: 99
    Respawn: 11-13 days
    Entrance Limits: 14+ players, Lv. 97-99
    Earth Wyrm Trasken
    Level: 99
    Respawn: 11-13 days
    Entrance Limits: 14+ players, Lv. 97-99
    Level: 99
    Respawn: 11-13 days
    Entrance Limits: 14+ players, Lv. 95-99
    Level: 99
    Respawn: 11-13 days
    Entrance Limits: 14+ players, Lv. 95-99
    Level: 99
    Respawn: 11-13 days
    Entrance Limits: 14+ players, Lv. 95-99

    Seven Signs Bosses

    Respawn: 4-6 days
    Entrance Limit: 14+ players, Lv. 85-95
    Time Limit: 2 hours
    Respawn: 4-6 days
    Entrance Limit: 14+ players, Lv. 90-99
    Time Limit: 2 hours


    Zone Requirements Instance Reset
    Verdofs Room No Limit, solo No Penalty
    Kamaloka 20-83 lvl, 2-7 players Daily at 6:30
    Legacy of Cruma Tower 38+ lvl, 2-7 players Daily at 6:30
    Pailaka - Song of Ice and Fire 49-52 lvl, solo One Time
    Pailaka - Devils Legacy 61-67 lvl, solo One Time
    Pailaka - Injured Dragon 73-77 lvl, solo One Time
    Delusion Chamber 80+ lvl, 2-7 Daily at 6:30
    Teredor Warzone 85+ lvl, 5-7 players Daily at 6:30
    Fortress Dungeon 85+ lvl, 2-7 players Daily at 6:30
    Castle Prison 85+ lvl, 2-7 players Daily at 6:30
    Castle Rim Pailaka 85+ lvl, 2-7 players Daily at 6:30
    Kartia's Labyrinth (Solo) 85/90/95+ lvl, solo Daily at 6:30
    Kartia's Labyrinth (Party) 85/90/95+ lvl, 2-7 players Daily at 6:30
    Seed of Annihilation - Nursery 85-89 lvl, solo Daily at 6:30
    Fortress of Resistance 85-99 lvl, 7-21 players Clan Hall siege date
    Devastated Castle 85-99 lvl, 7-21 players Clan Hall siege date
    Fortress of the Dead 85-99 lvl, 7-21 players Clan Hall siege date
    Gatekeeper of the Cruma Tower 90+ lvl, 7 players No limit
    Istina Cavern (Normal) 90+ lvl, 7-35 players Wednesday and Saturday at 6:30
    Fortuna 90+ lvl, 7 players Daily at 6:30
    Spezion's Cavern (Normal) 90+ lvl, 7 players Daily at 6:30
    Spezion's Cavern (Epic) 95+ lvl, 7 players Daily at 6:30
    Kimerian (Normal) 90+ lvl, solo Daily at 6:30
    Kimerian (Epic) 90+ lvl, solo Daily at 6:30
    Antharas' Nest - Balthus Knights 90+ lvl, 14-35 players 1st day and 15th day of month
    Nornils's Garden 93+ lvl, 2-7 players Daily at 6:30
    Seed of Destruction 93+ lvl, 10-35 players Wednesday at 6:30
    Altar of Shilen 95+ lvl, 7 players Monday, Wednesday and Saturday at 6:30
    Seed of Infinity 95+ lvl, 7-35 players Wednesday at 6:30
    Octavis Warzone (Normal) 95+ lvl, 7-35 players Wednesday and Saturday at 6:30
    Istina's Cavern (Epic) 97+ lvl, 10-35 players Wednesday at 6:30
    Octavis Warzone (Epic) 97+ lvl, 10-35 players Wednesday at 6:30
    Tauti Warzone (Normal) 97+ lvl, 7-21 players Wednesday at 6:30
    Tauti Warzone (Epic) 97+ lvl, 10-35 players Wednesday at 6:30
    Baylor Warzone 97+ lvl, 7 players Daily at 6:30
    Balok Warzone 97+ lvl, 7-21 players Wednesday and Saturday at 6:30
    Crystal Caverns 97+ lvl, 7 players Daily at 6:30
    Nightmare Kamaloka 97+ lvl, 2-7 players Daily at 6:30
    Dimensional Warp 99+ lvl, 2-4 players No Penalty
    Rewards for Leveling
    Path to Awakening

    Level Rewards

    On your journey to awakening you will be guided along a clear path of attainable goals and given rewards for achieving those goals.
    Upon reaching an level goal, your character will receive automatically reward into the inventory.
    Level reward is available only for your main class. There is no reward for leveling on dual or subclass.

    Please, be aware that your character must have enough of free inventory slots and weight. Otherwise reward will be skipped and received upon reaching next milestone.


    Level Fighter Class Mage Class
    Level 10
    x1500Soulshot (No-grade) (Event)
    x1Assassin's Bamboo Hat - Vitality (3 day)
    x750Spiritshot (No-grade) (Event)
    x1Assassin's Bamboo Hat - Vitality (3 day)
    Level 20
    x2000Soulshot (D-grade) (Event)
    x1Mount - Rocking Horse (7-day)
    x1000Blessed Spiritshot (D-grade) (Event)
    x1Mount - Rocking Horse (7-day)
    Level 30
    x10Scroll of Escape (Event)
    x10Scroll of Ressurection (Event)
    x1Scroll: Noblesse Blessing 5-unit Pack
    x10Scroll of Escape (Event)
    x10Scroll of Ressurection (Event)
    x1Scroll: Noblesse Blessing 5-unit Pack
    Level 40
    x2500Soulshot (C-grade) (Event)
    x1Mentee Certificate
    x1Mentoring Guidebook
    x1250Blessed Spiritshot (C-grade) (Event)
    x1Mentee Certificate
    x1Mentoring Guidebook
    Level 52
    x2500Soulshot (B-grade) (Event)
    x1XP Buff 50% (1 hour)(52~60)
    x1250Blessed Spiritshot (B-grade) (Event)
    x1XP Buff 50% (1 hour)(52~60)
    Level 61
    x3000Soulshot (A-grade) (Event)
    x1XP Buff 50% (1 hour)(61~75)
    x1500Blessed Spiritshot (A-grade) (Event)
    x1XP Buff 50% (1 hour)(61~75)
    Level 76
    x3500Soulshot (S-grade) (Event)
    x1XP Buff 50% (1 hour)(76~79)
    x1Royal Training Ticket
    x1750Blessed Spiritshot (S-grade) (Event)
    x1XP Buff 50% (1 hour)(76~79)
    x1Royal Training Ticket
    Level 80
    x1Antharas's Earring (3-day)
    x1Zaken's Earring (3-day)
    x1Valakas's Necklace (3-day)
    x1Baium's Ring (3-day)
    x1Queen Ant's Ring (3-day)
    x2XP Buff 50% (1 hour)(80~85)
    x1Antharas's Earring (3-day)
    x1Zaken's Earring (3-day)
    x1Valakas's Necklace (3-day)
    x1Baium's Ring (3-day)
    x1Queen Ant's Ring (3-day)
    x2XP Buff 50% (1 hour)(80~85)
    Level 85
    x3500Soulshot (R-grade) (Event)
    x1Talisman of Slaughterer - Abundance (3-day)
    x1Improved Bronze Bracelet (15-day)
    x2Emperor's Dessert Set (Attack Type)
    x1750Blessed Spiritshot(R-grade) (Event)
    x1Talisman of Slaughterer - Abundance (3-day)
    x1Improved Bronze Bracelet (15-day)
    x2Emperor's Dessert Set (Magic Type)
    Level 90
    x3500Soulshot (R-grade) (Event)
    x2Emperor's Dessert Set (Attack Type)
    x1750Blessed Spiritshot(R-grade) (Event)
    x2Emperor's Dessert Set (Magic Type)
    Level 95
    x1Adventurer's Brooch (1-slot)
    x1Agathion - XP Bottle (1 hour)
    x1Emperor's Rune Pack (30% XP/SP 2 hours)
    x2Emperor's Dessert Set (Attack Type)
    x1La Vie En Rose's Jewelry Box
    x1Adventurer's Brooch (1-slot)
    x1Agathion - XP Bottle (1 hour)
    x1Emperor's Rune (30% XP/SP 2 hours)
    x2Emperor's Dessert Set (Magic Type)
    x1La Vie En Rose's Jewelry Box
    Level 99
    x2Emperor's Dessert Set (Attack Type)
    x2La Vie En Rose's Jewelry Box
    x2Emperor's Dessert Set (Magic Type)
    x2La Vie En Rose's Jewelry Box
    Premium Rune & Game Currency
    Premium Rune

    Premium Rune

    For players which would like to level up faster, there is an option to get Premium Rune. This item is available in our ingame L2Store shop. It does not provide any PVP bonuses as it purpose is to help with leveling. You can choose between 7 days or 30 days runes.

    Experience (XP): +50%
    Skill Points (SP): +50%
    Drop: +30%
    Spoil: +30%
    Adena: +30%
    Experience (XP) loss upon death: -50%
    NPC Buffs: Free up to 99 level

    Premium Rune can be transfered to another character on the same account via Dimensional Merchant.

    How to transfer Premium Rune to another character on the same account

    We have allowed to transfer Premium Rune to another character on the same account. Just visit Dimensional Merchant and use transfer option of dimensional item to deposit it. Then relog to your another character on the same account and withdraw your Premium Rune via Dimensional Merchant.

    Shilen's Soul Fragment

    Since Shilen's power is still growing up, she started to infect monsters with her soul fragments. Rake has started an investigation and he need your help to assist him with collecting these soul fragments. Meet him in Town of Aden and as an thank you for collaboration, you can receive an amazing rewards!
    Shilen's Soul Fragment

    How to get it

    There is a chance to get Shilen's Soul Fragment upon killing any monster on the world. Be aware, that it will not be an easy task to collect enough amount of fragments to get your reward.
    The chance to drop Shilen's Soul Fragment is based on level of monster.

    Vote & Stream Reward
    Reward for Voting or Streaming
    Vote Reward

    Server Promoting

    As every server need to grow up, we will need your help to vote for our server on specific pages or stream on Twitch to give us more visibility. It might help to get new players to join and fight for glory.

    How to vote

    To get your vote reward, you will have to log into your account on our website. And then proceed to vote section from your account panel. You can click on button below to start your voting session.
    You can vote only one time per 12 hours. Reward will be instantly delivered on your account.

    Vote Reward

    As an thank you, you can receive ingame Vote Reward. This limited item will increases your PVE damage by 10% and increases XP and SP acquired through hunting by 10%, when possessed in the inventory for 12 hours. Also you will receive 25 pieces of Shilen's Soul Fragment.
    After succesful voting, you can log into the game and proceed into Mailbox to collect it.
    Vote Reward

    Stream Reward

    Twitch streamers can join and help with promoting our server via streaming. Our system will periodicaly reward you with ingame Community Coins, which can be used to get some interesting stuff via Vivien in the Town of Aden.
    To get listed on our list of streamer, please contact us via ticket on our discord.
    Castle Rulers
    Castle Sieges

    Castle Sieges

    Casle Sieges are the most ambitious aspects of Lineage II, so their scale and systems are exciting factors in the game. Clans that have reached level 4 can occupy a castle and enjoy the fame and riches therein. Once they own a castle, clans can exercise tremendous influence in terms of tax rate adjustments and political activities.

    Gludio Castle

    Gludio Castle

    • Ruler: Symphonia
    • Clan: Popromily
    • Alliance:
    • Side: Dark [TAX: 30%]

    • Next Siege: 20:00:00 08.02.2025
    Dion Castle

    Dion Castle

    • Ruler: Elvinna
    • Clan: Sphinx
    • Alliance:
    • Side: Dark [TAX: 30%]

    • Next Siege: 20:00:00 08.02.2025
    Giran Castle

    Giran Castle

    • Ruler: Strike
    • Clan: DeathSmile
    • Alliance: SilenceVoid
    • Side: Light [TAX: 0%]

    • Next Siege: 20:00:00 08.02.2025
    Oren Castle

    Oren Castle

    • Ruler: Mineela
    • Clan: Elmoreden
    • Alliance: Apocalypse
    • Side: Light [TAX: 0%]

    • Next Siege: 20:00:00 08.02.2025
    Aden Castle

    Aden Castle

    • Ruler: Silinna
    • Clan: Chronique
    • Alliance:
    • Side: Dark [TAX: 30%]

    • Next Siege: 20:00:00 08.02.2025
    Innadril Castle

    Innadril Castle

    • Ruler: Kasillia
    • Clan: Lodoss
    • Alliance: Apocalypse
    • Side: Light [TAX: 0%]

    • Next Siege: 20:00:00 08.02.2025
    Goddard Castle

    Goddard Castle

    • Ruler: Silver
    • Clan: Reverse
    • Alliance: SLAY
    • Side: Dark [TAX: 30%]

    • Next Siege: 20:00:00 08.02.2025
    Rune Castle

    Rune Castle

    • Ruler: sirCHARADIN
    • Clan: Subject
    • Alliance: JOKE
    • Side: Light [TAX: 0%]

    • Next Siege: 20:00:00 08.02.2025
    Schuttgart Castle

    Schuttgart Castle

    • Ruler: Omelette
    • Clan: Eggs
    • Alliance:
    • Side: Dark [TAX: 30%]

    • Next Siege: 20:00:00 08.02.2025
    Clan System
    Clan System


    A clan is made up of a clan leader (commonly known as a lord) and a number of clan members. Any character over level 10 may create a clan. When a character has reached level 10 or higher, he/she can go to the NPC responsible for clan creation. Clan names may be comprised of up to 16 alphabetical and numerical characters and cannot include spaces or special characters.

    Clan Entry

    Clan Entry opens the window where clans that are looking for new members can post ads for characters without a clan to see and, possibly, apply for membership.

    Clans and Parties

    Clan Levels

    Clan levels may be acquired in phases. If a clan gains a level, they acquire a new level of clan skills. Through these skills, the clan gains various clan management abilities and powers, including clan member registration, expulsion, dissolution, transferring of authority, and warehouse usage. The higher the level, the more powerful a clan may become.

    Clan Level Up Requirements

    Level 1

    • SP: 2 000
    • Adena: 650 000

    Level 2

    • SP: 10 000
    • Adena: 2 500 000

    Level 3

    • SP: 35 000
    • Items:
      x1Proof of Blood

    Level 4

    • SP: 100 000
    • Items:
      x1Proof of Alliance

    Level 5

    • SP: 250 000
    • Items:
      x1Proof of Aspiration

    Level 6

    • Members: 20+
    • Clan Reputation: 5 000

    Level 7

    • Members: 40+
    • Clan Reputation: 10 000

    Level 8

    • Members: 60+
    • Clan Reputation: 20 000

    Level 9

    • Members: 60+
    • Clan Reputation: 40 000

    Level 10

    • Members: 70+
    • Clan Reputation: 40 000

    Level 11

    • Members: 90+
    • Clan Reputation: 75 000
    • Items:
      x1Cloak of Radiant Light

    Clan Levels

    Clan levels may be acquired in phases. If a clan gains a level, they acquire a new level of clan skills. Through these skills, the clan gains various clan management abilities and powers, including clan member registration, expulsion, dissolution, transferring of authority, and warehouse usage. The higher the level, the more powerful a clan may become.

    Clan Reputation Reward for leveling

    Level Zone Clan Members Academy Members
    Lv. 40-42
    5Clan Reputation
    6Clan Reputation
    Lv. 43-45
    5Clan Reputation
    6Clan Reputation
    Lv. 46-48
    7Clan Reputation
    8Clan Reputation
    Lv. 49-51
    8Clan Reputation
    9Clan Reputation
    Lv. 52-54
    9Clan Reputation
    10Clan Reputation
    Lv. 55-57
    10Clan Reputation
    11Clan Reputation
    Lv. 58-59
    11Clan Reputation
    12Clan Reputation
    Lv. 60-62
    12Clan Reputation
    13Clan Reputation
    Lv. 63-64
    13Clan Reputation
    14Clan Reputation
    Lv. 65-67
    14Clan Reputation
    15Clan Reputation
    Lv. 68-69
    15Clan Reputation
    16Clan Reputation
    Lv. 70-71
    16Clan Reputation
    17Clan Reputation
    Lv. 72-73
    17Clan Reputation
    18Clan Reputation
    Lv. 74-75
    18Clan Reputation
    19Clan Reputation
    Lv. 76-77
    19Clan Reputation
    21Clan Reputation
    Lv. 78-79
    20Clan Reputation
    22Clan Reputation
    Lv. 80-81
    21Clan Reputation
    23Clan Reputation
    Lv. 82-83
    22Clan Reputation
    24Clan Reputation
    Lv. 84
    23Clan Reputation
    25Clan Reputation
    Lv. 85
    90Clan Reputation
    99Clan Reputation
    Lv. 86
    105Clan Reputation
    Lv. 87
    108Clan Reputation
    Lv. 88
    110Clan Reputation
    Lv. 89
    113Clan Reputation
    Lv. 90
    132Clan Reputation
    Lv. 91
    135Clan Reputation
    Lv. 92
    138Clan Reputation
    Lv. 93
    141Clan Reputation
    Lv. 94
    144Clan Reputation
    Lv. 95
    207Clan Reputation
    Lv. 96
    211Clan Reputation
    Lv. 97
    216Clan Reputation
    Lv. 98
    220Clan Reputation
    Lv. 99
    1000Clan Reputation
    Bonus experiences
    Vitality System

    Vitality System

    A vitality system provides 200% bonus experience during hunting. When you obtain experience points by hunting regular monsters or bosses, Vitality Points (VP) are consumed. You can check your character's Vitality by viewing your Character Status Window.
    Vitality is replenished every wednesday at 6:30 AM. Also you can Vitality replenish or freeze it by using items from L2Store, events or special herbs.

    Vitality System
    Vitality Bottle items can be used only on your main class and character must be in peace zone. Also these items can not be traded or transfered to another character.

    Vitality Bottle

    We have created Vitality Bottle item mechanic, which might help you on your journey. Empty Vitality Bottle can consume one bar of your character vitality and put it into the bottle. After that you will receive Vitality Bottle - Full, which contains one bar of vitality. To restore it back, you will need to use Vitality Bottle - Full item, then your vitality bar will be replenished on character.
    Vitality System
    If you would like to get Vitality bottles, you will need buy them from our L2Store shop. Each character can have only three Vitality Bottles.

    Mentor System

    Mentorship allows players to help each other and to get buffs for it, and to buy different items from Mentor Guide.
    Characters which reach level 40 will receive Mentoring Guidebook and Mentee Certificate. To become a mentor or a mentee, you need to make a contact with other character.


    • Character level 85 or higher, complete Awakening (3rd Liberation for Ertheia).
    • One mentor can have up to 3 mentees at the same time.
    • When a mentee is online, the mentor automatically gets Mentee's Appreciation (+5% XP)
    • As the mentee reaches certain levels, the mentor gets some Mentee's Marks, which can be used for buying items from Mentor Guides.
    • At the moment of graduation, the mentee is removed from the list of mentees. The mentor can take a new mentee in 1 day.
    • If the contract is broken, the mentor cannot make new contracts for 1 day.


    • Character level 85 or below, incomplete Awakening (3rd Liberation for Ertheia).
    • One mentee can only have one mentor at the same time.
    • When a mentor is online, the mentee automatically gets Mentor's Guidance (+100% XP)
    • When the mentor is online, the mentee automatically gets a set of buffs: 4 melodies and 3 sonatas.
    • While the contract is valid, the mentee has a skill that allows to summon the mentor: Mentee's Mentor Summon.
    • If the contract is broken, the mentee doesn't get any penalties and can make a new contract immediately.
    Path to a Hero
    Grand Olympiad

    Grand Olympiad

    The Grand Olympiad is a PvP competition held to determine the Hero. It is held in one month periods, and at the end of each period, the Noblesse with the most Olympiad points in each class is appointed Hero. Only Noblesse can participate in the Olympiad competition.

    Olympiad Configurations

    • Monthly Olympiad cycle
    • Heroes are announced first day of the month
    • Matches take place on Friday, Saturday, Sunday and operate from 20:00 to 00:00
    • The minimum participant requirement to start a match is 9+ players and the maximum amount of games a player can participate in a week is 30
    • The minimum required games for hero declaration is 10
    • Only 1st week of Olympiad is class-based, then it continue with all-class on any other week.

    Olympiad rewards

    • Heroes can receive their circlet, weapons and cloak from Monument of Heroes
    • Hero weapons cannot be exchanged to any other type
    • Players which were in TOP 3 ranking can receive cloak from Monument of Heroes
    • Player can calculate their points and receive tokens to buy stuff from Olympiad manager


    Players can learn special exalted skills which can help them on their journey. These skills can be acquired for Exalted Coins. Meet with Alfred from Exalted Council in the Town of Aden, to get more informations about, how to get exalted powers.


    Name Skill Type Description
    Exalted Exalted Hoards Lv.1 Passive Increases weight limit by 12.000 and inventory slots by 6.
    Exalted Exalted Hoards Lv.2 Passive Increases weight limit by 16.000 and inventory slots by 12.
    Exalted Exalted Hoards Lv.3 Passive Increases weight limit by 25.000 and inventory slots by 24.
    Exalted Exalted Limits Lv.1 Passive Increases buff slots limit by 1.
    Exalted Exalted Limits Lv.2 Passive Increases buff slots limit by 2.
    Exalted Exalted Limits Lv.3 Passive Increases buff slots limit by 4.
    Exalted Exalted Merchant Lv.1 Passive Increases Private Store slots limit by 1 and Private Warehouse slots by 6.
    Exalted Exalted Merchant Lv.2 Passive Increases Private Store slots limit by 2 and Private Warehouse slots by 12.
    Exalted Exalted Merchant Lv.3 Passive Increases Private Store slots limit by 4 and Private Warehouse slots by 24.
    Exalted Exalted Blessing Lv.1 Active Increase 5% XP/SP. Consumes 45 Spirit Ore.
    Exalted Exalted Blessing Lv.2 Active Increase 10% XP/SP. Consumes 45 Spirit Ore.
    Exalted Exalted Blessing Lv.3 Active Increase 10% XP/SP and 5% PvE damage. Consumes 45 Spirit Ore.
    Exalted Belief of the Exalted Active Summons a party member to your exact location. Consumes 100 Spirit Ore.
    Exalted Exalted Nobless Active Maintains all party members buff/de-buff condition even following death and resurrection. Consumes 100 Spirit Ore.

    Exalted Tiara and Cloak

    Exalted Tiara - Attribute attack +50
    Exalted Cloak - STR +1, DEX +1, CON +1, INT +1, WIT +1, MEN +1, LUC +1, CHA +1.
    Exalted Tiara and Exalted Cloak can be acquired upon completation of quest Path to Becoming a Exalted - Part 2

    Exalted Belts:

    Exalted Belt (Rank 1) - HP/CP/MP +250, weight limit +5000, damage +2%, damage received -2%, damage reflect 1%, inventory slots +5
    Exalted Belt (Rank 2) - HP/CP/MP +500, weight limit +15000, damage +4%, damage received -4%, damage reflect 2%, inventory slots +15, attribute resistance +5
    Exalted Belt (Rank 3) - HP/CP/MP +850, weight limit +20000, damage +7%, damage received -8%, damage reflect 5%, inventory slots +30, attribute resistance +15
    Exalted Belt (Rank 1) can be acquired upon completation of quest Path to Becoming a Exalted - Part 3. Any other level must be upgraded via npc Alfred in Town of Aden.
    Fishing & Training
    Automatic Mechanics
    Fishing System


    Fishing System is reworked to be completely automated. When a character approaches a suitable fishing area, start fishing icon appears. Fishing starts as soon as you press start fishing icon. Though it is automated, you must keep a fishing rod and bait equipped.


    • Minimal level for fishing is 76.
    • You have to be facing the fishing spot or the message you can't fish here will appear.
    • You must still have a fishing rod and bait equipped in order to begin fishing.
    • The character will keep on fishing until he/she runs out of bait.


    • The player will obtain a fixed amount of XP and SP depending on fish type and character's level.
    • The following skills can be learn from Fishing Guild Member: Expand Trade, Expand Warehouse, Expand Inventory and Expand Craft
    • Players can exchange fishs for Fish Stew from Fishing Guild Member, which provide buffs for one stat +3 for 30 minutes (STR/INT/WIT/DEX/CON/MEN).

    Fishing Zones

    Fishing Zones

    • Heine
    • Narsell Lake
    • Iris Lake
    • Fellmere Lake
    • Neutral Zone
    • Near Floran Villlage
    • Near Ivory Tower

    There are two types of baits - Normal and Special. You can buy normal baits from Fishing Guild Member. While fishing with normal baits, there is chance to get Wooden Treasure Chest, which contains Special Bait. Fish or boxes are different for each type of baits.
    Normal Baits Fishing - Normal Bait
    • Fresh Blue Mackerela
    • Fresh Flatfish
    • Fresh Mandarin Fish
    • Fresh Rockfish
    • Fresh Goldfish
    • Fresh Salmon
    • Fresh Ee
    • Wooden Treasure Chest
    Special Baits Fishing - Special Bait
    • Fresh Marlin
    • Fresh Catfish
    • Fresh Tuna
    • Fresh Carp
    • Fresh Whale
    • Silver Treasure Chest
    • Golden Treasure Chest

    Silver Treasure Chest or Golden Treasure Chest are special treasure chests, which might contain Rainbow Springs Clan Hall War Decree, SP Scroll, Zodiac Agathion Pack (15-day, Passive buff for +1 STR/INT/CON/DEX/WIT/MEN) or Sturdy Fishing Rod.

    Training Camp

    This is a unique zone available to all characters of levels 76 and above with Royal Training Camp Ticket in their inventory. Forget killjoy grinding! The training camp will help you level your character even when you are offline!
    Training Camp

    How is the training organized

    Tell recruiter that you are ready and enter the camp. Your character will be ported into a closed zone with a scarecrow in the center.
    At the bottom right corner of the screen you will see 4 buttons: training history, exit camp, restart and exit game. The functionality of the last two buttons is identical to those in the main menu.
    To terminate the training press the exit camp button. To start offline training press exit game button. After entering the camp your character will automatically start hitting the scarecrow and gain xp and sp (added once per minute). You can watch the training progress in the special window training history. Your statistics are updated on a real-time basis
    The training is limited to 5 hours per day per account. This limitation is recharged at 6:30 in the morning (server time). During the training you can take as many breaks as you wish. For example, after 3-hours training you have 2 more hours to spend on training on the same day.

    Attention! XP and SP bonuses are not effective in the Training Camp neither during the training nor at the results calculation. Same goes for the vitality bonus.

    Training Camp
    You can exit the game and even turn your pc off and your character will continue leveling. When your training ends, the character will be ported out of the camp and you will get a notification about the end of your training.
    To get gained XP and SP talk to recruiter and push calculate my points button. You will see a dialogue window with the results of your training. If the training duration was less than 1 minute, you will not receive XP and SP.
    Level XP % per 1 hour Max XP % per day (5 hours)
    76 20,00% 100,00%
    77 20,00% 100,00%
    78 20,00% 100,00%
    79 20,00% 100,00%
    80 10,00% 50,00%
    81 10,00% 50,00%
    82 10,00% 50,00%
    83 7,25% 36,25%
    84 7,25% 36,25%
    85 4,25% 21,25%
    86 3,75% 36,25%
    87 3,50% 17,25%
    88 3,25% 16,25%
    89 3,00% 15,00%
    90 1,00% 5,00%
    91 1,00% 5,00%
    92 1,00% 5,00%
    93 1,00% 5,00%
    94 1,00% 5,00%
    95 0,50% 2,50%
    96 0,50% 2,50%
    97 0,50% 2,50%
    98 0,25% 1,50%
    99 0,25% 1,50%
    Offline Shop & Auctions
    Trading System
    Offline Shop and Auction House

    Offline Shop

    As we decided to make life easier for players, we have implemented offline shop system, which will let your character to be trading (buy/sell/craft), while you do not need an active client session. And it will keep your character ingame.

    How to use Offline Shop

    To use this feature, you need to setup trading and then write in chat .offline. Your client session will be immedietly ended and your character will be moved into offline shop state. It is possible to use this feature only on squares in the Town of Aden!

    Any of your pet, summon or agathion will be automatically unsummoned upon disconnecting in offline shop mode. Also you can not use this feature with special event buffs.

    Auction House

    As Lineage 2 introduced Auction House, you can use it to buy/sell items around whole world! You can setup your auction up to several days, but it also cost some basic fee!. Items are delivered via mail system after you complete your buy/sell.

    Offline Shop and Auction House

    Check sale price before you start to buy or sell any item in Auction House!

    Item Broker

    You can try the auction of amazing items, when you speak to the npc Item Broker in Giran, Rune and Aden. These auctions are in regularly interval and everyone can try to bid their adena to join in!

    Item Auction
    We have changed auction into stage tier system. Each tier is unlocked based on current stage of server and containts specific items which will be distribted into the game.
    Auctions are divided into three tiers:
    • Giran - Low Tier (R+)
    • Rune - Mid Tier (R95)
    • Aden - High Tier (R99)

    Auctions are starting every Wednesday at 5pm in Giran, Rune or Aden.
    Beauty Shop
    Make your character unique
    Beauty Shop

    Beauty Shop

    A beauty shop allowing players to change a character’s appearance has been introduced to the game. You can find Beauty Shop Manager - La Vie En Rose in most of towns in the Lineage 2 World.
    To change your appearance you will need to buy Beauty Shop Ticket from our L2Store.

    Beauty Shop
    Be aware, in some speficic zones like Ceremony of Chaos is any appearence disabled. Also some types of hats might not be working with new styles!
    Client Interface
    Visual Upgrades
    Client Interface

    Client Interface

    A client interface serves as the bridge between users and gameplay, playing a crucial role in shaping the overall user experience. We have worked hard to improve it and deliver more friendly game interface for our players.

    Character Status

    We have added icons for Premium Rune and Vote Reward. If your charater has these items in the inventory, it will be updated and show it on your character status.
    Character Status Interface


    Party interface has been completely reworked. It will now display modern style, which contains informations like class, vitality, level and nobless status. Also it will show yellow border on selected party member. There is also grey overlay for party member, which is currently dead in the game.
    Party Interface
    When player is leader of party, he will be able to see special buttons in the interface of party, which are connected to our Party - Ready Check system.

    Party - Ready Check

    Party Leader can use special buttons, which are used for Party - Ready Check. Upon click on Party Check, it will start ready check for whole party. Ready Check interface will appear and members will have several seconds to respond with buttons Yes or No. If they do not choose any button, it will automatically set them as failed.
    Party - Ready Check Interface StartParty - Ready Check Interface Fail

    Party - Countdown

    Party Leader can also use special buttons 5, 10, 15, which will start countdown upon click for whole party. From 5 seconds it will also provide voice sounds to prepare you for start.
    Party - Countodnw


    Client target window will now provide more informations about the target. Player can see the class of character target and also live or dead status. Upon targeting an monster it will provide access to drop calculator, show information about the monster level and also live or dead status.
    Target Character LiveTarget Character Dead
    Target Monster LiveTarget Monster Dead

    Buffs slot

    Player interface of buff slot tooltips has been improved with hover effect with skill icons and upgraded visibility of buff time.
    Buff Slot


    Player can show up to five bars for skills slots on their client interface. It will help to manage more setup more skills, macros or items in slots.

    Play Report

    Information about the player progress has been added upon restart or exit of game client. It will provide information about acquired XP, SP, Adena, items and character play time of current session.
    Play Report - RestartPlay Report - Exit

    Warehouse Search

    Player will be now able to search through their private warehouse or clan warehouse via search box function in the client interface.
    Warehouse Search


    Player can remove items instantly from their inventory by pressing ALT+CTRL+SHIFT and click on the item.

    Dwarven Workshop

    To make life easier, we have implemented better dwarven workshop to setup crafting list faster. Player can setup price of product and use CTRL+ALT+Left click to apply it on next item, which you want add into the crafting list.
    Dwarven Workshop

    Raid Info - Instances

    Map World info will now provide informations, which bosses are located in the instance. Each of these bosses will be matched with correct instance and should show you pin on the map for entrance NPC.
    Raid Info - Instances

    Ingame Drop Calculator

    On our server you can use ingame droplist feature. You need only to click on bag icon in target window to see advanced informations about NPC. These informations do match with current rates of server. Also you can use search for drop/spoil via interface (ALT+X).
    Ingame Drop Calculator

    Museum Statistics

    Would you like to know the best records of heroes on our server? Well, you have to meet Arwen in Town of Aden, as she has access to all important records from Lineage 2 world.
    Museum Statistics